Here's a fun little thing to do to adopt into planning what we wear.
Grab a note pad, your phone, post-it notes, just something to scribble on and try this quick exercise below.
Each time you have that frustrated “What shall I wear?” question don’t focus on the specifics of an outfit, think about how you want those clothes to make you feel. Need an extra boost and reminder? Stick them inside your wardrobe! Or on your full-length mirror!
So indulge in dressing up as much as you want! There is a caveat of course; you are using your existing clothes and accessories.
You never know, by doing this little exercise it may also show you a key piece that is missing from your existing wardrobe and buying what you do actually need to get more wears from your existing items is still a sustainable approach to shopping. Your new item can be even more sustainable by being a purchase from an ethical and sustainable brand, second hand, or a clothing swap.
Remember it’s not what others think about what you are wearing, it’s how your clothes make you feel. Your body, your emotions. Go decorate, embellish and dress up for you each and every day.
Have fun with this and make sure your style makes you feel fabulous each and every day!
Stylish Wishes!
Header Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash
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