Beauty is You.

body positivity Feb 14, 2021
This year for Valentines day, the florists Bloom and Wild stated that: "Love isn’t all perfect red roses. It’s a more complex and messy bouquet than that. And therefore we have taken the stance not to sell any red rose bouquets this year."
Our culture and society feeds us standards that have us thinking our bodies and appearance need to be that perfect bunch of red roses to be loved and admired. It is part of our history where women have been held in high...
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Keeping Up Appearances

body positivity Aug 30, 2019

Thoughts keep rearing their not so attractive head. Am I too fat to wear this? Do my wobbly bits show in this? Is this too small for me? Do I look good enough? Those niggling little ripples of self-doubt. Self-doubt, about appearances.

I work in the image industry, which is increasingly being dammed for the upholding of beautifying. I encourage women to step into their own beauty and turn away from false standards, objectifying and the conditioning we have been subjected to for decades but...

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The Complicated Relationship Between Body Image & Style

body positivity Mar 20, 2019

Women today are bombarded with digitally modified images of what is considered to be ideal, then when we don’t match up it’s easy to feel inadequate. As a result, our style often gets neglected, deemed unworthy of our attention if we’re not feeling great about what's going on in our minds with our body or looks. This can seemingly be an isolating experience; staring into the mirror, your clothes scattered around you, feeling as if you have nothing to wear that looks...

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Modesty Dressing: A New Definition

body positivity Mar 08, 2019

Recent years has seen a small increase in diversity within the fashion catwalk world and it is at last, a growing trend. Models of different ethnic origins, size and age are now becoming more widely used. But there is still much work to be done across not just the fashion and beauty industry, but the acceptance of diversity in everyday life too.

Change should not only be in the industries where looks have traditionally dominated. It’s time to educate boys, girls, men and women that...

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Why Do So Many Women Struggle to Accept Compliments?

body positivity Feb 06, 2019

You’re at a party, and a stranger tells you your dress is amazing. You immediately say that you bought it in a sale.

Modern marketing has convinced us that unless it is a designer label or you have just bought it, it’s not worthy of a compliment.

You are at work and a colleague says ‘I love your Prada bag’, you make an excuse and say ‘It’s from an outlet” or ‘It’s last seasons’

We often feel uncomfortable and embarrassed if we have...

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Be More Body Positive

body positivity Oct 24, 2018

Why are so many of us unhappy with our own bodies?

Do we have any idea what real female bodies look like anymore? We appear to be bombarded on a daily basis of 'perfect women' with their 'perfect bodies'. We begin to see our own bodies as somewhat imperfect - we are either too fat, or too thin, too short or too tall, and so on. But there is no wrong way to have a body, we just think what we have is wrong.

It’s a huge step to turn decades of marketing and idealism around. We must stop...

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